The downstairs bedroom

My goal was to get the downstairs bedroom and the living room painted before moving in. My reasoning was simple: Those are the two rooms that it will be hardest to move the furniture around by myself. And trying to get the whole house done was never going to happen. As it was, I spent a few late nights that week between closing and moving trying to get those two rooms done and ready for the move!!

Bedroom Before:


Bedroom After:



You may recognize this color from my dining room at the Nichols Homestead. Periwinkle!! I love it! Looks blue during the day and purple at night. I had painted the dining room years ago and when I went to sell the house and redid the floors, I realized how badly the dining room needed a fresh coat of paint. So I used the little bit of the original paint I had left, plus a bucket of clearance paint that was close in color, plus a few dabs of other paint I had laying around and the color came out nearly the same. And I had an extra gallon left after doing the dining room which I knew I wanted to use in whatever house I ended up in. Perfect!!

The previous homeowner had recently repainted (quite badly, I must say) but I was thankful I didn’t have to paint the ceiling or the trim. Just do a lot of spackling, sanding, and painting the walls.  I still need to put the switch plates back on and replace a few of the outlets that are worn and have singe marks in them. But in the meantime, I moved in there and am happy to have the painting done.

PS. I think it is unfair that everyone on earth is better at half assing than I am.  Seriously, WHO DOESN’T REMOVE THE SWITCH PLATES BEFORE PAINTING??? /rant


Homeless No More!!

 HilltopWhen I bought my last house, nearly 11 years ago, I remember being very excited, and looking back I know that was a very naive excitement.  Yay house, now what? This time around, buying a new house comes with a lot more knowledge, a bit more trepidation over what may be lurking behind the walls, and complete and total joy at being a homeowner again!! Homeless no more!! Not to mention the millions of projects calling my name and promising to keep me busy for at least the next decade!

IMG_1589I am SO THANKFUL for my generous parents who let me and the killer dogs crash at their place for the last two months. What a blessing!! And yes, the cat population does appear to have been culled during our stay — hard to say how much because we don’t see much of the cats these days. We’ll see how many reappear after we move out. Other than a mysteriously dead hen (yes, we’ll go ahead and blame Maggie), the chickens have been penned and survived.


And while I’m very thankful, moving back in with the fam after 14 years on my own isn’t some kind of dream come true. I am used to my own space, my own quiet, my own insanity, my own cooking… and living in someone else’s home isn’t that, for better or for worse.  And then there’s my dogs, you know, my inside dogs who have been living at a mostly outside pet world. They LOVE the land and running around, but I have a feeling they will also love returning to our “normal” world where they can nap all day in anticipation of my return from the office. Maggie is ga ga over my dad. She throws herself into his arms almost every day for a hug (I get about one hug a year and only if I’ve been gone for at least a week). Things have been good, but not our normal routine by any stretch of the imagination.

So it has been a good summer- a busy summer- an in-transition summer- a God is teaching me a lot in the midst of feeling completely displaced summer. And I’m thankful to be closing the summer by moving into my own Little House on a Hill!! Stay tuned for a tour, the projects, and other random happenings at the new house. We are looking forward to this new adventure!!


My big news

I am almost the proud and relieved owner of a new home. It is under contract and everything is moving forward as planned. 
It is kind of funny how it all came about. I had seen this house online a long time ago, before I’d even really decided to sell the Nichols Homestead. It is on 2 acres, in Ypsilanti Township, quite close to my parents and about half of my friends. And it is adorable, as you can see. Anyway, I stalked it online for awhile and watched the price dropping and dropping. Still didn’t sell. Dropping some more. By the time I had my house on the market and wanted to see it, there was an offer pending. 
A month or so later, I noticed the listing was active again. I called my realtor immediately and asked to see it. He played phone tag with the listing agent for days but finally got us a time to see it. As we walked in the door and I seriously fell in love with the place, he told me the bad news: there were already several offers pending and the realtor indicated they wouldn’t even entertain another one. What?? Heartbreak. The place is awesome. Oh not without considerable maintenance needed and a zillion projects calling my name, but maybe that’s part of the charm. Clearly this place needs a Reenie. And a couple energetic dogs running around on the 2 acres of gorgeousness.
Well, I believe God has a plan. And clearly this isn’t the house if I can’t even put an offer on it!! So I continued to look at other houses, finding very few houses that I even wanted to look at. I looked at a lot of houses. They were too far away, too ugly, the yard was too small… ugh. It was starting to feel pretty bleak. And really I just wanted one like this house. Huge yard, quaint house with lots of personality, great price… 
And then, one Monday night I notice that I have a text from my friend Maryn saying she gave her mother-in-law my phone number. That’s right. My small town life scores big time. My friend’s husband’s parents (technically related since it’s my brother’s wife’s sister’s husband’s parents) live across the street on this tiny dirt private road. They knew I had looked at it and wanted it, but that other offers were pending. That same evening I got a message from my friend’s mother in law that she’d talked to the owner and the deal was falling through, something about the buyer’s financing. Call immediately!
So I emailed my realtor right then (at 11 pm) and he called the seller’s agent first thing in the morning saying he heard it was going to be re-listed and we wanted to make an offer. The agent was amazed and couldn’t figure out how he knew! She kept pumping him for how he knew and he admitted I knew one of the neighbors. She paused and then told him to have me write the offer. She gave us the amount the short sale is approved for and said to offer that with a good down payment and conventional financing (already my plan). The offer was accepted immediately. Woo hoo!! We didn’t even have to go back to the bank for an extension because they had just approved the short sale amount. 
At my inspection, I could see there were some changes that they did to get ready for the previous inspection (an FHA loan, which has a lot more requirements) and I suspect they were unable to get through that inspection without considerable upgrades being required to get that loan. Although it does look suspiciously like God was just saving the house for me.  
My inspection went well. No major surprises. It is somehow comforting to see that I’d already noted most of the items the inspector did in terms of maintenance and repairs needed.  Many of the major items have been done within the last 6 years: roof, electrical updates, new well, furnace, etc. so a lot of what it needs is the smaller stuff: outside trim painted, replaced, siding repairs (eventual replacement), the list goes on and on. Closing date is set for August 12th, if all goes well. First project will be some sort of fencing to contain the dogs. 
I’m grateful, relieved, and excited.
The house stats: 
3 bedrooms (all pretty small, 2 upstairs, 1 on main floor)
Michigan basement (also small, very Michigan basementy)
1 full bathroom
laundry / mud room off the kitchen (love!) 
big kitchen (love love!)
dining room
living room
pole barn
2 acres of gorgeous yard (unfenced– for now)
Also, I’m taking suggestions for a name for the new house. It obviously can’t be the Nichols Homestead, although I suppose it could be the Hilltop Homestead. Hilltop Haven? Hilltop Hideout? Maybe we scrap the alliteration and you give me some better suggestions… 

Where does time go?

Apparently it has been awhile since I posted. It has been a grueling month on this end and I have been even less eloquent than usual, so you can thank me for that lovely month of silence.  If you would like a recap without the gory details, I suppose I can supply that.

June started with a bang: bridal shower, wedding, hospital visit with a friend, all on the same day! From there we went to a one year old’s birthday party (with extra toddlers), a graduation party, seeing friends, dinners, visits, etc. Basically one week of over stimulation. I threw a big “Good bye to the Homestead” party and lots of my friends and munchkins gathered for a semi-rainy good time.

And then I had to buckle down and do some serious packing. Packing, packing, packing. Gathering moving boxes. And doing more packing.

And in the midst of all the packing, there was a lot of whining from the Big Dog who could sense that changes were afoot. And she was right. BIG fat changes. In the middle of June, on the hottest day I could find, I picked up a moving truck, and some wonderful friends / brothers / sisters spent the day helping me move (mostly) out of the Homestead. We took a load to my parents house (where Suzie killed the last remaining kitten in front of all the helpers). And then a load to storage. I figured I’d finish the shed, garage, and remaining house dregs on my own since it was so horribly hot. As of that Sunday, when all the furniture moved, I started sleeping at my parent’s and took the dogs with me.

The next three evenings I worked on those things. It is always worse than you think. Even after the impressive packing / purging / etc for listing it was worse than I thought. I cannot express my gratitude for my family and friends who helped, encouraged, cleaned, and just were there for me during that rough week. And my boss who gave me the day off to finish it off.  That last day in the Homestead, I took the dogs back over for the day. They were SO happy to be home!! They napped, basked in the sunlight, laid on the gleaming, freshly finished floor, oh how we love home.  And then it was done. No more home to come home to.

Honestly, moving is rough enough when you’re moving to a new house. Moving is even harder when you are moving to limbo (or your parents basement) for an unknown period of time! Not to mention saying good bye to a house / yard you have loved and projected your heart into for the past decade. Yeah, it was rough.  And by the end of it, it was just a huge relief to be out. To sign all the papers and call it a day. Good bye Nichols Homestead.

So here I am, living in the partially finished “grandma” apartment off my parent’s living room. My parents have been working very hard to get this space ready lest my grandparents need a place to stay in the near future. I mean, it isn’t done. So moving a bunch of my stuff in here and trying to find my way around and make it home for the time being has been a challenge. I am so incredibly grateful for their generosity in letting me and the bitches stay here. Still trying to find some routine, some rhythm in life again, but incredibly grateful — and generally tired.

And the dogs are exactly as you might suspect: Suzie is happy as long as I’m home (and so very tired from all the running around). And Maggie spends a ton of time whining to go home.  We can’t actually say the word “Home” because Maggie goes howling up the stairs and sits at the door crying. Change is hard. I’m doing the same thing on the inside, but at least I’ve managed to keep it mostly on the inside.

The rooster is still alive, amazingly. Somehow he has freaked the dogs out and they refuse to go after him. He crows right in the doorwall that is our front door at 5 am, but when I open the door to let them out, they won’t go until he moves a safe distance away. So strange. Lenny has won the mental battle here and lives to crow another way to early morning.

Last weekend, one of my dear friends, my “let’s sell our houses” buddy moved her family (also to her parent’s basement while they look for a new home). And I have to say, it is a lot easier to be the friend on moving day who encourages, packs last minute boxes, bags dolls and bedding, and carries stuff to the truck. It wasn’t my dregs, it was their dregs. So much easier somehow.  After a long, long moving day, it was done. I could drive away and shower and not deal with the post moving ramifications (although I’m still doing that on my end). It was sad moving her out of her lovely home too. I have many happy memories in that house with those wonderful people. And yet, there’s a season for everything and this is apparently the season of moving and homelessness (hopefully followed by more moving).

Other than moving and not really settling in, Summer Softball has begun. One of my favorite seasons. So any given Sunday you can find me at the fields, with my people, having some good old fashioned fun. And it is great to be doing something that feels like my “normal” life, no matter how transitional everything else is.  Besides, we have the cutest fans on the planet.

I promise I will have more interesting and less tired things to say soon. In the meantime, God is faithful. He is teaching me, and loving me, and growing me in this process and I’m excited to see where we go from here.

Last man standing

Lenny (formerly known as Helen) is the last remaining member from the failed 2012 Operation Chicken at the Nichols Homestead.

As Monica so aptly said (on the day of the first chicken killing in the backyard), “There’s just one chicken clucking about the yard.”

There he is in all of his roostery glory, spying on the humans.

He even managed to escape the winter of slow death at the Bon Terre farm that took out Angus (the other rooster) and most of my mom’s hens over the winter. I blame Rocky the watch dog who has to sleep in the house because he likes to bark all night– leaving the chickens unprotected from raccoons, coyotes, and other predators.

Somehow Lenny stands strong. And he does have one hen to keep him company.

Hopefully he survives the next big event when the chicken killing bitches move to said Bon Terre farm in 3 weeks.

Good luck Lenny, you’re going to need it.

Setting people up… part 4

Seventh rule: Facebook really isn’t ideal for setting people up.

I had a friend who tried to set me up with a previous coworker of hers. She gave him my facebook name and we “friended” each other and corresponded via message for awhile. He seemed nice enough, but a facebook message chain really isn’t the way to go. In fact, it was pretty lame after a few weeks. And if we were going to message back and forth for as long as we did, it would have made sense to just go have coffee since we do live in the same area. Which leads me into my next rule…

Eighth rule:  If you are in the same area, move the communications from online or by phone to in person sooner rather than later.

Hey, lots of set ups start with a phone call or email or something. But there is no reason to not go have coffee with a person if you are even remotely interested in them or in finding out if you could be interested in them. No one assumes after one coffee date that you’re going to propose, or “go steady”, or… it’s coffee! It’s a chance to have a face to face conversation. I think the coffee date is seriously under-utilized, especially in Christian / Catholic circles. Sometimes it seems like the expectation is the discern if you would marry the person or not before taking them on a date, which is ridiculous. Heck, I have no intention of discerning marriage on a first date! Get to know the person a bit before making that decision.

If you are not in the same area, it can be harder to meet right away, but I still recommend doing it as soon as you can arrange it. I have several friends who married men from the internet, and I think it is really helpful to meet in person sooner rather than later. Even if it ends up not working out, better to do that sooner than to be investing months in a relationship or person that ends once you meet in person.

Setting people up… part 3

Fifth rule: Don’t say stupid stuff in an attempt to make connections. (Translation: Be subtle, thoughtful, and tactful).

One time Kay invited me to a gathering at her house. The excuse she used to get me there made no sense at all so I should have seen the real reason, but I was blissfully ignorant until I arrived at her house for brunch with 10 people I didn’t really know (refer back to rule 3 – and consider that I am an introvert who is uncomfortable in large groups of strangers). The only people at this gathering I actually knew were, Kay, Mac, and their one year old– who had to take a nap. Basically I shrink into invisible mode and spend the next hour or two in agony. Toward the end of this particular gathering, several of the couples had left, leaving one other couple and the lucky single guy. It gets slightly more comfortable for me at this point because of sheer numbers but I’m looking for an excuse to leave. Kay, bless her heart, turns to Mike and says “Do you like dogs?” He responds something about his parents having dogs, so she excited jumped in “Reenie has dogs!”  Oh gosh. Now I wanted the floor to swallow me up.  Instead I waited a second or two (trying to preserve some shred of dignity), stood up, loaded the dishwasher and made my escape as soon as possible. There is simply no recovering after a statement like that. 

Kay was trying to make a connection but instead of helping make that connection, it was just so obvious and made it feel so artificial and downright uncomfortable. Setter uppers need to watch out for this as it is really easy to fall into. Sure, bring up something the people being set up having in common, but go for subtlety and don’t get overly excited. 

In the interest of full disclosure, I am going to admit right here that I have broken this rule. And I don’t even feel bad about it. It was months into game nights with JP and Lee and JP still hadn’t asked for her phone number. We were going out after softball. Lee had ridden in my car but I wasn’t going straight to the restaurant. JP offers tentatively (which was a HUGE step for him), “I could take you.” I jump into my car and peel out of the parking lot (not terribly subtle). My sister in law and partner in setting these two up says loudly to her husband, “Get in the car, get in the car!” He shoots Lee an “I hope you’re okay!” glace and follows her direction. Neither of us was tactful for subtle there—but I will say that it was the night that JP and Lee finally talked and started going out!

But back to why subtle, thoughtful, and tactful are such a good idea: recently someone I barely know tried to set me up with a son of her best friend. So there I was, at work, eating a sandwich and trying to write a project timeline in my humble little office. My cell phone rings. I don’t recognize the number so I figure I’ll listen to the voicemail and see if it merits attention. A few minutes later I listen, and oh what a voicemail:
“Hi Reenie, it’s Mary (we teaches the special ed girl in my religious ed class but I wouldn’t say we are particularly close otherwise). Put this number in your phone xxxxx. There’s this guy named Ryan I want you to meet. He’s the son of my best friend. Call me back.” As she goes to hang up, you can hear peals of giggles – so you know she’s out to lunch with said friend and they think they are being SO clever. Subtle? I think not.
I call Mary back an hour later, not sure how to avoid the inevitable (you know I can’t say no, even to a ridiculous set up). As Mary answers, I can hear lots of laughter. The ladies are still together. Mary is clearly SO excited to be part of this fabulous plan. She says her best friend is Cam, who has been through her life for many, many years, through thick and thin. Cam has a son Brian, who is 34, Catholic, single and despairing of ever finding a great Catholic girl who practices her faith. On my end of the phone, I can hear Cam feeding Mary information about him “Tell her he’s an engineer with a good job.” “He’s an engineer with a good job, hey, your dad is an engineer.” Mm hm. Mary to Cam: “Her dad is an engineer!” Cam: “He designs radars!” Mary: “He designs radars and is just a dear, dear guy.”  

Somehow, over the course of this 5 minute conversation, the plan develops (without any actual input from me). Sunday. We’ll meet at Mass and then all go to lunch afterward. Cam yells in the background “Tell her I’m buying lunch!”  Mary: “Camille is buying everyone lunch! Won’t this be great!?” More giggling into the phone. “Oh I can’t wait for you to meet him. Okay, we’ll see you then!!!”

Sunday rolls around and there we were, at this cafe, after Mass. Mary introduces me to her friends, Cam, Cam’s husband, and Ryan. It is awkward (he makes no eye contact and appears to be praying the ground will open up and swallow him—I could relate!), we proceed into the cafe. As Ryan walks just ahead of Mary, she turns and whispers loudly to me “He’s really shy!” to explain his awkward behavior. Um, he can hear you. And Ahhhhhhhhhh. What the heck am I doing here? Subtle? Tactful? No. Not at all.
So we arrive at a table set for six. Mary grabs my arm “You sit in the middle, right here in the middle.” This makes no sense to me because it seems to me that the foursome (who are friends) should sit together. I end up moving down one to facilitate that. Cam grabs her son’s arm, “You sit here, across from Reenie,” she said excitedly. Really? We couldn’t have figured that out without that awkward intervention? Really? 

This leads me to my next rule — it’s best not to involve mom. Even if mom is involved in the set up, I can tell you from recent experience, there is nothing more awkward than brunch with mom for a first meeting. Don’t do it. If your mom isn’t involved… don’t tell her either. Really all of this is better without your mom. 
Since I know you’re dying to hear how that one turned out (and you’re totally bored with the rules anyway)… brunch was awkward. But sometimes I even impress myself, and I have to say I am amazingly good at rising to the occasion in the face of awkwardness, particularly if someone is more uncomfortable than me. Though I was uncomfortable, this guy made it really easy to switch into rescue mode. I smiled and pretended this was the most natural and comfortable thing. I asked him questions. We talked about his job. A lot. And a couple times during brunch, while we were just sitting there managing a normal, adult conversation, (and I was pretending this was comfortable), I caught Mary and Cam exchanging excited grins and winks as if to say, “Hey LOOOK!! They’re TALKING!” One time Cam even gave Mary a “thumbs up.” I wanted to die. Right. Like I said, don’t involve Mom. Too awkward. 

And then I asked about his family. And he talked about them, a lot. I have to say, I’m good at asking good questions and giving people room to talk. But I do think, at some point, even in the face of awkward set ups, it is helpful if the other person reciprocates. He obviously didn’t understand that me asking half a dozen interested questions about his job was the perfect lead in to him asking “So what do you do?”  Alas, that never happened. He has no idea what I do.  Same for questions about his family. He mentioned a sister, I asked the obvious question “Do you just have the one sister?” So I learned a lot about his family (not to mention being at lunch with his parents).  When he finished talking about them, it fell silent. Perfect opportunity to say “Tell me about your family.” Nope. 

There’s a handy tip gents: When you’re on a date or a set up or whatever you call these situations – ask questions. It makes it a lot smoother when one person isn’t the only one asking questions. 

Lucky for Ryan, Mary tried to help out. “Reenie has a big family, how many siblings do you have Reenie?” A few minutes later, Mary’s husband thought he’d help Ryan out too, “Reenie, did you tell him about the slide at your parent’s house?” Nope, somehow that never came up as we discussed Ryan’s job at length. So Mary’s husband talks a bit about how he knows my dad and the slide and then conversation moves on to other things. It was really awesome to realize they brought up those little factoids to spark conversation because those are literally the only things they know about me. (See rule 3) They don’t actually know me well enough to even pull the awkward line about dogs! (A mixed blessing really). 

The moral of this particular story leads me to my sixth rule: If it sounds awful, you don’t have to agree to it. I am particularly bad at this one. But seriously, I should have stuck with my gut and told Mary that I would be open to meeting this guy but would prefer coffee with the two of us rather than brunch with people watching. Especially his mom and her excitable BFF. Seriously, Reenie, learn to say no already.
Or another time, that time my acquaintance set me up with her cousin? Right. For our first meeting, he thought the natural history museum would be fun. I wanted to die just thinking about a date at the natural history museum. But I felt bad nixing the idea and went along with it… and let me tell you, it was awful. One of the worst first dates ever… because let’s be honest, it isn’t like you’ve got a ton to discuss there at a lame natural history museum they haven’t updated since I last visited at age 12. “So hey, dinosaur bones.” “yup.” I shudder to think I agreed to this regardless of the fact that this awkward first meeting was at this awkward museum with a person who I already knew was awkward (at least on the phone) Righto. Take it from me, if it sounds awful, you don’t have to agree with it.

To the single people out there – I’m not saying you shouldn’t be open to being set up. In fact, since I haven’t met anyone on my own, I feel I should give set ups a fair chance. I’m trying to be open to new and interesting ways to meet people. BUT it is okay and probably wise to put some limitations on that. No to brunch with mom. No to a first date at the natural museum. No to chasing a man down in the car. Have some standards.

Setting people up… Part 2

Third rule: Know something about the people you are setting up.
Once there was a guy named JP. He was a good family friend growing up and good friends with my brothers to this day. And though JP really wanted to find a girlfriend, it was quite clear he wasn’t going to find one without ever talking to girls, which was his current tactic. He’s a great guy, a computer programmer, and even a talker, but only when he’s comfortable and in his small comfortable circle. Solution: Find a way to bring the girl you want to set him up with into said small comfortable circle.  

Although these two people had been on the same softball team for years, JP was never going to actually talk to Lee without some help. The lucky girl moved in with me, making this plan much easier to arrange. I had regular nerdy game nights with a small group of friends, and that group happened to include my brother and his wife who are part of JP’s small comfortable circle– SCORE! The other people in the group include another nerdy brilliant not terribly social engineer who I knew JP would find a kindred spirit. And as my roommate, I could start dragging Lee to these game nights just as easily as “Hey, come to game night!”  And I could invite JP because I’m like that. Besides, I had taken it upon myself to flirt shamelessly with him so as to drive him into the arms of another woman (and hey, that plan worked!). But I digress. 

I should also point out that I did ask Lee if she was okay with being set up with this guy and she was. Better to not blindside a friend, even worse to blindside a roommate.

Where was I? Oh right “Know something about the people you are setting up…” what I’m trying to say is, if you are setting up a nerdy engineer type who has a small circle of comfort, do not, I repeat DO NOT, invite him to a party with 30 people he doesn’t really know and expect him to shine. He won’t. In fact, it will, undoubtedly backfire on you. She will wonder why people even think he’s a decent human being because he is SO bad at parties!! Rather, invite him to a nerdy game night and happen to invite the girl too. Keep in mind you may have to invite him to a year or two of said game nights before he talks to the girl. Don’t give up. Understand that this gem of a guy just takes longer to warm up than the average human, that’s okay. And he warms up better in a consistent and safe environment. Provide said environment and let him get comfortable before springing the idea of the next step on him.  

Another time a dear friend of mine tried to set me up with her brother in laws brother in laws brother (or someone about that related). He lived in the same state as my friend which was part of the motivation for the set up, since we would love to live near each other again. Anyway, this particular set up was via email. Cole emails me after Anne gives him the info. His first email was a dead giveaway on how this was going to end… his only hobbies: sports and hunting. Now hey, I don’t think that I’m going to have all the same hobbies as the guy I end up with… but it would help to have at least something in common. As it turns out, after a couple months of awkward email exchanges, it was quite clear that we indeed shared no common interests and it was going nowhere. It petered out and ended, no big deal. But if the person doing the set up had known anything more about the guy she was trying to set me up with, we could have saved some time, energy, and a horribly awkward several month long email exchange.

So there you have it: know who you are setting up. 

Fourth rule: Don’t, under any circumstances, chase someone down in a vehicle to make an introduction. There’s no way to redeem that. Ever. And yes, that actually happened to me once. True story. 

To be continued…

The Rules of Setting People Up

Here’s the thing: Set ups are a tricky business.

As a person who has been on both the giving and receiving ends of set ups, it occurs to me I have some thoughts on the matter. Maybe a lot of thoughts on the matter. Maybe some rants, even. And a few victory dances on the successful set ups that I’ve been part of that turned into marriages. In the last few months I’ve been doing a lot of painting (which gives my mind time to wander and half compose blog posts) and I have recently encountered several set ups… so it seemed like a good time to discuss the matter.

I would also like to say I realize that it is quite possible, probable even, that I am the world’s most awkward person. People have tried to set me up many times, in a many ways, with many kinds of guys, and none of them have worked. I’m just saying, I realize it might not be him, it might be me. Nonetheless, I do have some thoughts on things that do or don’t work for set ups and I intend to inflict them on you- my dear readers.

First rule of setting someone up: Recognize it is a tricky business and treat it accordingly.
One time a dear friend Kay thought she’d set me up with a friend. She had just started dating this awesome guy who she was head over heels in love with and, of course, wanted to share that with me (well, not the guy, but the experience of being in love). Her guy, Mac, had a friend Brett. I’m pretty sure the email introducing this great idea went something like this “I’m so happy, Mac, Mac, Mac, Mac (gush gush gush). Oh and I want you to meet his friend Brett, he’s really “quality” and I know how hard it is to be single.”  

Second rule: Do not ever use the words “I know how hard it is to be single” right after gushing about the love of your life. Somehow it robs the statement of its power and comes off as condescending and annoying, even if you mean it and do, in fact, understand that it is difficult to be single. It can also kill a set up on impact. Just saying. Be careful with that.

Back to Kay, so Kay starts casually bringing Brett along with her whenever she and Mac come to my house or to social gatherings. I am ashamed to admit I was less than friendly with Brett because of the nature of the set up. Probably because of the phrase “He’s “quality”” and all the gushing about Mac and “understanding about being single”. I met Brett, didn’t know him, but felt like he was being pushed down my throat, regardless of whether or not I was interested, and I basically avoided him, making it awkward for both of us. Poor Brett. I specifically remember hosting a party at my house for Memorial Day one year, Kay and Mac had brought Brett and he was being so kind and offering to help- and I just didn’t know what to do with him! So I was short and basically refused his help. He had no idea what was really going on and felt bad that I was so stand offish. 

Thankfully, there were less awkward circumstances (without Kay and Mac involved) down the road where Brett and I finally connected and he’s a good friend of mine to this day. We laugh about the horribly awkward initial beginnings and I’m thankful we’ve moved past that – and he is, indeed, “quality” and we are mutually not interested in each other like that to this day.

Along those same lines, I’d like to give credit to a few people who have attempted set ups in a tactful and thoughtful way. (They treated the set up as the tricky business it is and handled it accordingly.) Last summer I was at a wedding and ran into an acquaintance, Beth. We had a great conversation about life and singlehood and weddings, etc. and at the end of it she says, “I want to set you up with my cousin.”  “Okay.” What have I got to lose right? A few weeks later she contacts me to get my info, gives it to her cousin, and then doesn’t resurface in the set up at all. She provided the contact and discreetly moved out of the set up entirely.

This cousin of hers and I talked for a few weeks and then I met him (he lived out of state). It looked rather promising by phone for a couple weeks, we had some things in common, and it was definitely worth following through to see if it was going anywhere. After meeting a couple times, we mutually realized it wasn’t worth continuing and we’ve moved on. But I will say, next time I see Beth there will be no awkwardness over the situation. She provided the contact. The two adults involved talked, met, and mutually weren’t interested. No relationships were damaged. Fabulous.

And then there’s my grandma, who is one of the dearest people I know. One evening I was at their apartment visiting and Gram gets all serious, “I have a question to ask you.” Okay. She goes on to tell me about her physical therapist Jim who is just a dear guy. He’s great at what he does, has a good job, etc. She tells me he’s very tall, muscular, and shaves his head “I suspect it’s because he doesn’t have all that much hair left” (good to know these things I suppose). So Jim was finished working with her but gave her his phone number and said “Call if you need anything” and apparently Gram read that to mean “Call if you want to set me up with your granddaughter.” She was so excited about the prospect, and, though I wasn’t sure what we had in common, I was willing to be introduced. And I really appreciated that she asked if it was something I’d be interested in, rather than just plunging ahead with some kind of awkward set up and blindsiding me. Well done, Gram, well done. Of course she lost his phone number after all that and I still have not met this dear man who shaves his head because he is most likely balding, which is also okay. I appreciate the thought and the handling of it. 

To be continued…

Update from the land of crazy

Well clearly I’ve been neglecting the blog to do that little business of getting the house on the market. I’ve been neglecting other things as well: sleep, balance, friends, munchkins, book club, … right. I prefer to call it “focused energy” but whatever.

So the house. I’m going to leave out all of the gory details, but it felt gory. I had some wonderful family members and friends that helped me do the final push – washing rugs, cleaning bathrooms, finishing the trim in the kitchen, you name it. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such generous people.


Anyway, that last night before listing wasn’t pretty- I was pretty sick and had a ton of stuff to do. That’s enough details, but it was not pretty. And by that I mean, NOT PRETTY. Extreme mortification. As it turns out, I called to push back the first two showings so I could finish up in the garage. The first guy was a jerk and came anyway (I turned him away). The second people didn’t get the rescheduling message. And didn’t confirm their rescheduled appointment, so they managed to come while I was vacuuming mouse crap in the garage. Awesome. On no sleep. And looking like death warmed over (and covered in sawdust from the garage). They were delightful people. Loved everything about the house. Told me repeatedly what a great job I’d done. And the wife loved my flowers. Awww.  Anyway, after the mortification of being around for a house showing, we finally got things packed up and we fled to my parents house- me, the dogs, and a bunch of clean laundry. I was exhausted.


Sunday I got the call that those first people (right, the ones who found me cleaning the garage) put in an offer. Woo hoo! We counter offered Monday, which they accepted, and the inspection was just yesterday. Waiting to hear on the results and the appraisal.

So the dogs and I camped out for the week at my parents. The dead chicken could have been Maggie or could have been whatever animal has been killing my mom’s chickens all winter, but there was a dead chicken and I can’t say Maggie is blameless.

The kitten left no doubt. Sometimes the circle of life if just vicious, especially when you have to see it go down. The little kitties that Owen had stashed in the safe horse trailer found a way out of it, and there I was following Maggie after a brutal day at work… just in time to see her grab a tiny kitten and quickly shake it to death. Tragedy. It took me back to 12 year old Reenie who would always find kittens that had been killed by animals, cars, etc. I’d cry and take their little bodies to my own animal graveyard (a specific spot in the woods I can’t even find anymore). Sad. As the adult Reenie watched her own dog shake this tiny helpless thing, I thought how strange it is to see the same sort of things as I did when I was a kid, and to still be sad, but not heartbroken. The circle of life. It is vicious.


As I buried the dead kitten, the other two kitties climbed my pant leg, falling into the hole I was digging. I dearly hoped this wasn’t a prophetic move. I locked the dogs inside, snuggled these little bits of fur and sweetness, and buried the one that didn’t make it. And life goes on.


Maggie is a complete pain in the butt sometimes but she is also a reflection of me. At my parents house, she runs around like mad, chasing everything that moves, tearing up hills and through the woods, and loving life. She runs up grinning and panting. And then she whines. She wants to go home! Every time she sees my car she tries to leap in and asks to go home. This is fun Reenie, but take me hoooommmmeeeeeee! I feel the same way.

I am SO grateful at my parent’s generosity. That they take in me and a couple killer dogs in our moment of need. And yet, everything felt off. Staying there isn’t home. It isn’t my chaos, it’s someone else’s chaos. Everything about our daily routines with the dogs was off, different. Suzie was fabulous- because basically I am the center of her universe and as long as I’m around, she’s happy. Add to that her exhaustion from all the running around all day, she’s basically the best dog ALIVE. Maggie, not so much. Whiney. Anxious. Happy one second and freaking out the next. Panting. Begging to go home. IMG_1226IMG_1240

So Saturday marked a week at my parents and the inspection was done late afternon and we were ready to go home. I now have the same unfolded laundry at home with me. And two tired and very content dogs, and one tired and content Reenie, who is trying to not freak out about the impending homelessness. (We’ll save that for another post, shall we?)

And hey, the house is (mostly) sold! God is so good!! and the months of intense preparation paid off –it looks fabulous and went quickly. I feel so incredible relieved and blessed. 
