Priceless Gifts

friends6In 2015, I was, once again, blown away with gratitude for the gift of my friends. I mean really blown away. I am constantly in awe when I look around me at the quality of the people who are willing to share their lives and their families with me. Being single can be a lonely road, and I certainly struggle with my fair share of it, but then I look around at the community around me and am filled with gratitude and awe at God’s goodness.


friends1There are times I love a good, intense spiritual discussion. Other times I love a stupid conversation when people are being just incredibly ridiculous and oh so very funny. (And strangely, I love a conversation that includes both). I love to talk projects, dreams, goals, survival strategies. Above all, I am lifted up by people that are real, honest, and down to earth. People who share the details of their lives and listen when I need to share my own. And I love friends who can help me laugh, particularly at the details, the mundane, the ridiculous (and let’s face it, there’s a lot that falls into this category). Laughter is often the best medicine and I am blessed with some incredibly funny people that keep me laughing.


friends4On a deeper level, I am so blessed with friends who remind me about what is important in life and help me find the way when I can’t. It is such a gift to share this journey with so many faithful and genuine people.
For each one of you who made a little space in your life for this crazy gal, I thank you. For the emails, the voxes, the card nights, the birthday parties, the late nights on the couch, the lazy days at the beach, the Saturdays of working together. For the movie nights, art nights, craft nights, nights on the town. For inviting me into your homes and letting me “aunt” your munchkins. For all of those moments: Thank you.


Thank you for accepting me the way I am, flawed, ridiculous, taking life too seriously at times, tired, weary, and full of impossible dreams and ideas. Thanks for giving me room to be me. Above all, thanks for being you and for sharing that with me. The gift of your friendship is what makes my life so rich.


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