Super Human Goals

This is the weekend of the guest bedroom (or kid bedroom) renovation over at the Little House on the Hill. I’m not actually sure renovation is the right word. If I were really renovating, I’d do something about the walls (I believe they are old plaster covered with thin plywood) and I would add a window. However, since we’re living in this reality and within my limits, this project includes the following:

– foaming around window (to insulate)
– caulking the ceiling perimeter to seal it off from the attic
– priming and painting the ceiling
– spackling and patching and priming and painting the green walls
– removing the carpet and installing laminate flooring
– re-installing the trim and adding shoe molding
– setting the room up to serve as a guest room – set up the bunk bed, hang a curtain, put in some shelving, etc.

Naturally I am scheduled to set up and serve at Mass Saturday evening, so there will be a chunk of time missing, but I am hoping to make some progress on the bedroom Friday night and Saturday before Mass, and maybe even finish the painting Saturday evening. It might be too much to hope for, but as you know, I do like to set super human goals. (I should note that even with super human goals I know I won’t get the flooring done this weekend).

Wish me luck!