Getting ready for February


Coming to a Little House near you!!! 

The last time I did Lockdown February was to spend some serious time working on my old house to prep it to go on the market later that spring. Yes, I bored you poor readers early and often with all the projects as I took on repainting most of the rooms, refinishing floors, replacing gross hardware, etc. Just to clarify: I have no intention of selling this little place anytime soon. But the projects have been stacking up while I’ve been entirely too busy doing other things. And I need some concentrated time to work on the house and the organization therein. I will say it that the first Lockdown February was incredibly successful and I made huge strides toward getting the place purged, organized, and painted. It helped me to step back from the many social things (which I love so much) and just focus on the tasks at hand.

Apparently I struggle to balance my work / home / social life balance and between the usually busy December and a completely overbooked January, this scattered introvert needs to buckle down and make some progress at home before I lose my mind! I am bad at saying no to social invitations because the relationships in my life are incredibly important to me. But I can also recognize when it is time for me to pull back and catch on some things in my own life – and it is time!

The Rules

  • Lockdown does not affect my regular commitments. I will continue to do Life Teen, visit my grandparents, attend my regularly scheduled events, and work my job – all without change.
  • Lockdown does not mean I can’t see anyone. It does mean I am limiting outside activities in order to catch up at home and make my life more functional and more peaceful. And also to finally have pity on my inner introvert who is feeling strangled lately.
  • I already have several commitments on the calendar for the weekends and will be hosting my annual Wine & Cheese party in February so I will get some social interludes in the midst of the Lockdown.
  • I spend a lot of time usually running around to other people’s homes to make it easier to spend time with them and their families. This isn’t a bad thing, in fact, it is one of the things that I love about my life – but moderation in all things. Lockdown is to assist in the moderation for this particular season and hopefully help me regain some equilibrium.
  • If you want to see me during Lockdown February, your best bet is to find out ahead of time if you can come spend time with me. But it will be at my house and will probably include some kind of project. I am also open to a project swap – you help me with a project, I come help you with a project. (Actually I think I need to get better at this Project Swap concept for the rest of my life too.)

So that’s what is brewing for next month. It is kind of sad how excited I am for the Lockdown… which is probably just an indication of how badly I need it. Basically locking down February is my Surviving February strategy this year. We’ll see how it goes!

0 thoughts on “Getting ready for February

  1. As someone who thoroughly enjoyed all of your Nichols project updates, I’m looking forward to seeing/reading your progress during lockdown February! (And if the clamor for pictures of my own projects are any indication, few people are bored by these kinds of posts!) 🙂